Our Story

The Local Photographer's Dillema

If you’ve ever been in the market for photographic accessories, you’ll know that it can be a daunting prospect. The sheer number of manufacturers’ products to choose from is already difficult, but finding what you really want can prove to be frustrating, to say the least. This applies whether you’re after tripods, filters or backpacks. It becomes especially difficult when you’re on the hunt for premium accessories from around the globe, as these often prove to be the toughest to track down. This should not come as a surprise though, as the numbers and market will dictate what is available locally. In South Africa, that means that most of the resellers stock a variety of the more affordable products, but none of the premium ones. This is despite the fact that there is a large consumer base who won’t settle for anything but the best. Many shops have catalogues and you can order what you want, but this usually means you’ll be waiting for two to three months to take delivery of your new toy.


At LANDSCAPEGEAR.CO.ZA we aim to solve the local photographers’ dilemma. We sell only the best gear, manufactured by the very best brands in the business. We couple this with expert advice given by professional photographers who have shared some of the frustrations mentioned. The advice offered will go a long way in helping you decide which accessories meet your exacting requirements. We endeavour to carry stock of our entire catalogue at all times, which means that you’ll receive your order as quickly as possible. A quick browse through our selection of products will introduce you to what has been tried and tested in the field and it is equipment that, in our opinion, you will fall in love with after use. We sell these products because they market themselves through countless happy customers. 

Behind The Business

A solution for photographers, by a photographer. As a professional landscape photographer and a gear-nerd of note, I have a passion for photographic equipment that simply works. Over the course of eight years spent working in photography, I have tried many products in search of the best. Like everyone else, I started out at the bottom of the price range and experienced years of discontent, problems and bad images as a result of poorly designed equipment. Over time, I slowly moved up to the higher end products. While budget was obviously a constraint, a significant factor was the lack of knowledge as to what exactly was considered as the best photographic equipment and accessories. I had to find out from other gear-nerds what the go-to products are and where to source them from. In most cases, simply getting a price required a back and forth of emails and all questions about stock were answered with 'no, but we can order it' - not exactly a great shopping experience. In June 2014, a few of my regular workshop clients enquired about where to buy the best tripod and I happily referred them to the Gitzo supplier. They waited a ridiculous ten weeks for it to get here. Seeing their frustration was what spurred me on to start LANDSCAPEGEAR.CO.ZA. My vision is very simple; a shop that sells only the very best gear, always has everything in stock and offers practical advice that makes it obvious what to purchase. I am funding this business out of my back pocket, so it will take a while to achieve my vision of always having everything in stock, but know this; every cent of profit made will go back into the business until that vision is achieved. My selection of products is based on the opinions of countless professional photographers around the world, as well as my own. I won't sell anything that I wouldn't buy myself and that I'm not 100% confident is the best available product. If you ever have any questions, no matter how silly you think it is, please get in touch with me via the contact page or phone me on 076 279 2202 and I will do my best to answer your question.

Yours Sincerely

Hougaard Malan