f-stop Gear Packweek and Pre-orders

As travel is slowly resuming, our first shipment of f-stop gear stock since 2019 is now on its way and expected to arrive Jan-Feb 2022. With f-stop's annual pack week promotion happening this week we've decided to make all incoming f-stop stock available for pre-order so that you can take advantage of 20% off on all products, in-stock or pre-order.

Is the new Duradiamond range part of the offer?

YES. Order and pay now and get 20% off the incredible new duradiamond Tilopa and Ajna shells or bundles.

Are we ordering the older shells again?


Will we run any promotions between the current pack week and next year’s pack week?

NO. This is your only opportunity to purchase the new packs at a discount.

Which colours are we getting?

We have ordered the new Tilopa and Ajna in Anthracite, Cypress and Magma. We are only getting a small number of the Magma shells, so if that colour is your pick, order sooner rather than later. 

Pictured above: The Tilopa in Anthracite, Cypress and Magma

When can I expect the stock to arrive?

The normal shipping time would be about 5-6 weeks, but the pandemic slowed things down a lot and a safe ETA on this stock is early – mid February. We might get lucky and receive it late January, but it’s best to take a conservative approach. 

Explore f-stop gear products 


Use Payflex to pay while you wait

In case you missed our partnership with Payflex, this service allows you to pay for an order in 4x interest-free payments spread over 6 weeks.